💧中國 鴿蛋 China Pigeon Eggs

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每盒十隻 10pcs/box 鴿蛋被譽為「動物人參」,是一種極具滋陰補腎功效的食材,中醫更認為鴿蛋具益精氣、豐肌膚諸等功效,對女士而言特別滋補。鴿蛋具補肝腎、益精氣、豐肌膚諸、提神,解瘡毒,治陽萎、營養不良;主要用於腎虛所致的腰膝酸軟,疲乏無力,心悸失眠等症 鴿蛋對女人特別滋補,是滋陰補腎之佳品。鴿蛋含有豐富的蛋白質,維他命A、B、D和鐵質等成分,營養價值十分高。蛋白質、脂肪含量與雞蛋相約,但鴿蛋的核黃素 riboflavin 和卵磷脂 lecithin 含量卻比雞蛋高出多倍!卵磷脂就像乳化劑一樣,幫助脂肪與血液混和,讓膽固醇更容易代謝,血液黏稠度下降了,改善血栓或動脈粥狀硬化的風險也會降低,故有「人體清道夫」之稱 煮熟剝開後的鴿蛋亦與別不同,蛋白呈半透明狀,隱約看到淡黃色的蛋黃,有如一顆夜明珠,晶瑩剔透。口感像滑嘟嘟的啫喱,而且充滿彈性,蛋味濃郁 鴿蛋的功效: 1️⃣ 養顏護膚 — 能增強皮膚的抗損傷能力。血不足的女性常吃鴿蛋,有美顏滑膚作用,還可治病,使人精力旺盛,容光煥發 2️⃣ 補腎益氣 — 補腎益氣、助陽提神,可治療陽萎 3️⃣ 養肝 — 可助肝臟結構和功能修復,適合肝病患者食用 4️⃣ 清熱去火 — 能清心火,清熱除煩,能夠消除血液中的熱毒。適宜容易上火的人士食用。 5️⃣ 解毒 — 清理體內淤積毒素,避免積成長期病患 6️⃣ 預防疹症 — 讓小兒每日食兩枚鴿蛋,有解毒功效達至預防疹症效果 Pigeon eggs contain a wide variety of minerals. Most of all, they contain iron, which is why they are good for young children. Also, the yolk has a high sulfur content, and the longer the egg is stored, the greater its concentration. The pigeon egg also contains vitamins A, D, E, and B2 The benefits of these eggs are beyond doubt. They are perfect for young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and women after childbirth during lactation, and people with weakened immunity. Due to the high content of vitamins and micro-elements – the consumption of pigeon eggs allows you to increase skin cells’ activity, making the skin elastic. It improves blood circulation and affects the level of hemoglobin. These eggs are useful for people with anemia, women with menstrual irregularities. Eggs protect kidneys, remove toxins from the body, cardiovascular system, prevents blood clots. They have a positive effect on the health of the eyes and mucous membranes, and the skeletal system. They regulate metabolic processes in the body.

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