💧台灣 有機雙享菇 Taiwan Organic Dual Beech Mushrooms



每包150g per pack 鴻喜菇質地甘脆細緻,主要成份為多醣體,並含豐富維他命B群,低脂肪、低熱量等等。經長時間研究,於2002年開發出鴻喜菇的純白種。質地比鴻喜菇更細緻,鮮嫩爽口,營養價值比原本的鴻喜菇更高。 一般來說,蘑菇養殖會使用糞便堆肥,然後以人手採摘。有機蘑菇在乾淨的環境中生長的,由天然成份培養,將採摘、測量和包裝的流程簡化,人手與蘑菇的接觸減至最低。其良好的衛生、高品質和長保鮮期,受到高度認可。 用途及料理:質地細緻味美、甘脆而不塞牙、口感極佳,煮湯、火鍋、油炸或炒、燴皆宜 In comparison to regular white mushroom, these beech mushrooms contain higher vitamin D, vitamin B12, dietary fiber, niacin, and potassium, making them highly nutritious. No Manure, No Hand, No Contamination : Generally, mushroom farming involves composting with manures and then hand picking the mushroom. Organic mushrooms are grown in a clean environment on cultures derived from natural ingredients. A streamlined automation process will pick, measure and package the mushrooms. Contact with mushrooms is minimised with few exceptions. They are highly recognized for its good hygiene, high quality, and long shelf life.

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