💧台灣 水蓮菜 Taiwan Water Snowflake Vines



每包150g per pack * 可清炒、炒蝦仁、肉片、或加樹子、菇類 * 快炒保持爽脆口感更佳 水蓮菜是台灣十分流行的蔬菜,味道清甜,口感特級爽脆,還帶有微微的蓮香,多與其他食物配搭作為小炒。水蓮菜含豐富膳食纖維、鉀質和維他命A,有利腸胃、心血管和眼部健康。 水蓮花本身是一種雪白色像蓮花一樣生長於塘中的花,我們吃的部份可不是花的莖,而是它細如繩子的「葉柄」。其內部呈現海綿狀組織,並含有大量的水份,吃起來帶有淡淡的蓮花香,特有的爽脆很讓人喜歡,最適合的料理方式就是快炒或涼拌,最能凸顯它的口感和風味。 處理水蓮宜清洗、切段後把水蓮泡在潔淨清水裡吸收水分,下鍋前再瀝乾,快炒後的脆度會更佳。 * Stir fry alone, or with shrimp meat, shredded meat, mushrooms etc * Recommend quick stir fry to maintain crunchy texture The vine of water snowflake growing in ponds is an edible part which has become a very popular vegetable in Taiwan. It tastes sweet, super crunchy, and carries slight lotus fragrance. It is usually stir fried with other foods. Water snowflake vine is rich in dietary fiber, potassium and vitamin A, which is good for gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and eye health. What we consume is not the stem of the flower, but the its "leaf hilt" as thin as a rope. Its interior presents spongy tissue and contains a large amount of water. It tastes with a light lotus fragrance. Its unique crispness is very popular. The most suitable cooking method is quick stir-frying or cold mixing, which can highlight its taste and flavor.

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