💧意大利 阿瑪菲檸檬 Italy Amalfi Lemons



$120/kg 每份三個約500-600g per 3pcs 阿馬菲檸檬是意大利最令人印象深刻的檸檬品種之一,也是世界上最珍貴的檸檬之一。生長在意大利南部山脈和朝向南邊的阿馬菲海岸之間的地區,阿馬菲檸檬異常大而氣味芬芳,是最古老的品種之一,其味道沒那麼酸澀,核比較少,至少能揸出25%果汁,世界各地的廚師們都很喜歡採用。 阿馬菲檸檬比普通檸檬大,重量至少100克,含豐富檸檬油,所以幾個世紀以來它的甜美和強烈的柑橘香氣特別令人垂涎。阿馬菲檸檬與該區的番茄,生長在天然資源豐富的火山土壤中,大家都以其特殊的甜味而聞名。沿著阿馬菲海岸的本地人會將檸檬切塊,撒上鹽、淋上橄欖油、撒上一些薄荷,就這樣一塊塊吃! Amalfi lemons are one of the most impressive lemon varieties from Italy and among the most highly prized lemons in the world., Amalfi lemons are a unique breed native to this spectacular corner of the world. The unusually large and fragrant lemons that grow in the area between the Lattari mountains and the south-facing Amalfi coast are of the oldest cultivars and have a thick pith that is not that bitter, have few seeds, and produce at least 25% of their volume in juice, making chefs go mad for the stuff. The Amalfi lemon is larger than the common lemon weighing at least 100 grams. It has a softer pale yellow rind of medium thickness which is particularly rich in essential oils, which clarifies why it has been coveted for centuries for its sweet flavour and powerful citrus aroma. Long hot summers and mild winters mean that the Amalfi lemon has ample opportunity to be sweetened by the Italian sun. It also grows in the same volcanic-enriched soil as the tomatoes of this region which are also famed for their special sweetness. Along the Amalfi coast, it is commonly enjoyed simply cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt, a drizzle of olive oil, and a scattering of mint.

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