💧日本 千両茄子 Japan Senryo Mini Eggplants



每份3-4條 約300g 岡山縣產的千兩茄子品質是日本第一,無論顏色、光澤、果肉,所有方面都有很高的評價,這是很多農民專業和長期努力的成果,才能出產這樣出類拔萃的蔬菜水果。岡山縣被稱為【晴天之國岡山】,受惠於瀨戶內特有的溫暖少雨、豐富的日照,加上土質是特有含豐富礦物質的重粘土,是特別適合種植茄子的環境。 Benefiting from the uniquely warm weather, moderate amount of rain, rich sunshine, fertile soil in Senryo, the quality of Senryo eggplants from Okayama Prefecture is the most premium in Japan. This is also the result of professional farming skill of a group of dedicated farmers over a long period of time, in order to produce such outstanding vegetable product.

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