💧日本 新紀元曉蛋 Japan Shin Kigen Sunrise Eggs

數量 Quantity



每隻平均60g average weight per egg * 中至大碼蛋,平均每隻1.8-2oz * 蛋是bulk pack 散装才有這些平民價,如介意請考慮才購買 ⭐️ 令人開胃的深黃色蛋黃 新紀元曉蛋是在山口縣德地農家出品的雞蛋,雞隻在充滿豐富天然資源的深山安靜環境中,精力充沛地成長。使用從地下100米抽取富礦物質的水及優質飼料,產下極濃厚美味的雞蛋,蛋黃極濃色澤達至蛋黃顏色表上最深的18度 * Medium-large sized eggs, with an average of 1.8-2oz per piece * Eggs are bulk packed in plain trays ⭐️ Appetizing dark yellow egg yolk The egg yolk extremely stands out with it’s extra rich flavor and color! High protein concentration, clear layers, sticky texture! The flavor is fabulous and tasty! The color of the yolk almost reaches 18 which is more gorgeous than ordinary Japanese eggs!

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