💧日本 熊本八代晚白柚 Japan Kumamoto Pomelo



每個約1.5kg(6玉) 日本八代柚子是世界上最大的!晚【熟期晚】白【果肉白】柚【圓柑橘】是名字的由来。味道清爽,酸甜均衡,而且可以持續很長時間,厚厚的皮可以造零食、果醬、甜品,也可以用來造肥皂洗澡,整個水果幾乎沒有可以扔掉的地方! Japan Kumamoto pomelo is among the largest in the world! Late [late maturity] white [fruit white] pomelo [round citrus] give the name’s meaning. The taste is particularly refreshing, perfect balance between sweetness and sourness. The smell can last for a long time. Their thick skin can be turned into snacks, fruit jam, desserts, or be used to make soap. There is almost no parts to throw away of the whole fruit!

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