💧日本 白舞茸 Japan Snow Maitake Mushroom



每包100g per pack 利用獨特生物技術栽培出來,稀有的極白舞茸 ,2022年8月開始出現。其營養價值仍然豐富,口感更柔軟、味道少一點泥土味。嚴格的品質管理,包括栽培的原料,水的重金屬檢查和微生物檢查,不使用農藥和化學肥料。 舞茸具有驚人的神奇健康益處。2019年,日本知名相撲手花田虎食用舞茸1周,於電視節目上實測三酸甘油脂水平,結果顯示1周內其三酸甘油脂從267mg/dL降至159mg/dL,足足相差40%! 1. 舞茸能降低血壓 2. 舞茸中的 β 葡聚醣有助於降低膽固醇、改善動脈功能和整體心血管健康,從而降低患心髒病的風險。舞茸中的多醣可以降低 LDL壞膽固醇,而不會影響您的HDL好膽固醇水平 3. 2013年的一項研究表示舞茸中的D-Fraction 可用於預防和治療乳腺癌。研究人員認為,這種菇可以對抗癌細胞的生長和繁殖 4. 2015年的研究表示,舞茸可以對患有2型糖尿病的老鼠產生正面影響。研究期間,葡萄糖能維持於健康水平。這對於使用舞茸治療人類2型糖尿病有積極作用 Cultivated with unique biotechnology, the extremely rare white Maitake mushrooms only appeared on the market in August 2022. Its nutritional value is still rich, with a softer texture and less earthy taste. Strict quality control measures are applied including raw materials, heavy metal of water and microbial inspection, no pesticides and chemical fertilisers are being used. Maitake has amazing magical health benefits: 1. Maitake mushroom can lower blood pressure. 2. Beta glucan in maitake can help reduce cholesterol, improving artery functionality and overall cardiovascular health to lower your risk for heart disease. The polysaccharides in maitake can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol without affecting your HDL (good) cholesterol levels. 3. A 2013 study indicates that maitake D-Fraction could be useful in preventing and treating breast cancer. Researchers suggest that this mushroom can fight the growth and reproduction of cancerous cells. 4. A 2015 study showed that maitake mushroom can have a positive effect on rats with type 2 diabetes. During the study, maitake mushroom consumption had a positive effect on glucose levels of rats. This points to the mushroom’s potential to treat type 2 diabetes in humans. 5. Maitake mushroom may also be useful in treating: cold and flu viruses, immune function, side effects of chemotherapy

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