💧日本 長崎批杷 Japan Nagasaki Sweet Loquats



每碟5-6個 約280g per pack of 5-6 長崎特產大玉琵琶是2009年註冊品種「夏田より」,其特徵是果實大,平均糖度高,重量平均為55~60g!果肉很厚,非常多汁,口感柔和,咀嚼的瞬間濃郁甜美的果汁充滿口腔。 枇杷產地排行榜No.1的長崎縣,枇杷栽培歷史悠久,從江戶時代到現在種植了100多年。美味的琵琶在長崎生長的理由——因為陽光和大地的恩賜——坡度陡峭,受益於溫暖的氣候、含豐富海洋礦物的土地,最適合種植枇杷。 Nagasaki specialty Large Loquat is a registered variety "From Natsuta” 2009, characterized by large fruit, high average sugar content, and an average weight of 55-60g! The pulp is very thick, juicy, and soft. Rich and sweet juice fills your mouth when you bite into it. In Nagasaki Prefecture, which is No.1 among loquat origins, loquat cultivation has a long history there for more than 100 years. The reason why the delicious loquats grow well in Nagasaki - because of the warm sunshine and the gift of the earth - steep slope is steep. Benefiting from the warm climate and the land rich in marine minerals, makes Nagasaki most suitable for planting loquats.

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