💧日本 長芋淮山 Japan Nagaimo Yam



每條約400g each 中國人把淮山視作「神仙之食」,中醫認為腎是先天之本,藏精之處,負責化生腦髓和骨髓,負責遺傳和生育;而脾是後天之本,負責消化吸收,是人體營養來源的保障。淮山先天、後天都補,這是食療中較為少見的。 《本草綱目》中有「健脾補益、滋精固腎、治諸百病,療五勞七傷」之說。 是流傳千古的滋補聖品,有養顏長壽之功,老少皆宜。 病虛體弱者、胃腸病、心血管疾病和糖尿病者尤為適宜。它在日本叫做長芋,是日本人的家常食物。 有一種傳自中國的食療法,演變成日本風味的菜式,將豬肉、長芋和白蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔、牛蒡等根菜一起熬燉成湯,是典型的滋補藥膳。這道藥膳跟中國不同的是,它放日本的味增調味,加入了木魚高湯,風味完全不同,尤為鮮美。冬季常吃它,滋補五臟,養精固腎,轉季不發病。 It is a Japanese yam that, unlike other yams which can only be eaten cooked, can be eaten either cooked or raw. Nagaimo is also known as Chinese yam, Korean yam, Japanese mountain yam or is sometimes referred to as yamaimo. It contains vitamin B6, B1, riboflavin, folates, etc. - It is a good source of dietary fiber so it helps to reduce constipation, bad cholesterol. It is also a good source of vitamin-C, which is an antioxidant component. It has anti-aging, immune function, bone growth and wound healing properties. * 此產品需按實際重量計算 * This is a pay-by-weight item
