💧日本 鹿兒島鮮牛蒡 Japan Fresh Burdock Roots



每包約200g per pack of 2 牛蒡的皮可以吃的,如果剝皮的話味道會變淡,加上皮特別有營養,含有具抗氧化作用的多酚。基本上蔬菜皮都很多營養,所以只要把表面洗乾淨,把表面的細根和鬍根去掉就可以了。 牛蒡的不溶性食物纖維很豐富,可以緩解便秘清理腸道。腸道變乾淨的話,免疫力也會提高。是感冒流行時期一定要吃的蔬菜! The skin of burdock can be eaten. Do not peel off their skin as you lose majority of its taste. Burdock skin is particularly nutritious and contains polyphenols with antioxidant effects. Vegetable skins are very nutritious anyway so just wash the surface, remove the fine roots on the surface. Burdock is rich in insoluble food fiber, which can relieve constipation and clean your intestine. Healthy intestine means good immunity. It's a vegetable that must be eaten during flu epidemic!
