💧比利時 迷你番茄杯 Belgium Stoffels TomaShaker Tomatoes



每杯350g per cup * 每杯包含黑色、紅色、橙色、黃色迷你番茄 Toma’Shaker包裝迷你番茄充滿甜味、鮮脆,各種顏色的小番茄。牛皮紙杯包裝可完全分解,整體所含的塑膠更少。 * Each cup contains mixture of black, red, orange and yellow mini tomatoes Toma’Shaker is sustainable on-the-go packaging containing tomatoes for people who want to enjoy their daily hectic life and a healthy snack. The Toma’Shaker is always filled to the brim with sweet, fresh and crisp snack tomatoes, containing cherry tomatoes of various colours but can also be filled with new and improved Santa tomatoes. The kraft paper shaker is compostable and contains even less plastic. The Toma’Shaker is good for you and good for the environment.
