💧法國 刺身級白珍珠蜆 French White Venus Praires Clams



每盒1kg per box * 法國空運抵港 法國白珍珠蜆是一種鹹水蜆,圓球形,直徑為3至7釐米。外殼呈乳白色到棕色不等,並帶有條紋。蜆肉比車厘蜆堅挺,海水味更濃,味道更細膩帶果味。白珍珠蜆通常會出現在傳統的西班牙和意大利菜餚中,如西班牙海鮮飯或意大利粉。 於法國也會出現在刺身海鮮拼盤上。 * Freshly flown from France The french praires clams are also called warty venus, a species of saltwater clams. They are rounded and spherical and has a diameter of 3 to 7 centimetres. The shell colour ranges from creamy white to brown and has concentric stripes. The delectable meat is firmer and contains more salt than a carpet shell, but its flavour is delicate and fruity. These shells often occur in traditional Spanish and Italian dishes, such as paella or pasta. They are also served raw on a seafood platter.

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