💧法國 煙燻熟成高達芝士 France Beillevaire 21 month Aged Gouda Cheese



$60/100g 每件約200-300g each wedge * 可與水果、果仁、麵包一起享用,也可以融化或磨碎用於不同菜餚中 * 與濃郁的紅酒、啤酒和烈酒搭配特別好 與普通高達芝士相比,熟成高達的時間可以從幾個月到幾年不等,在此期間,芝士的質地更變得更結實,味道更豐富、更濃縮。 * Can be enjoyed with fruits, nuts, and bread, it can also be melted or grated onto dishes. * Pairs well with robust red wines, beers, and spirits Aged Gouda is aged for a longer period compared to regular Gouda. The maturation process can range from months to several years, and during this time, the cheese develops a firmer texture and a richer, more concentrated taste.
