💧澳洲 手工天然發酵牛油 Australia Pepe Saya Salted Cultured Butter



毎件200g each 手工牛油的區別在於它的製作過程,Pepe Saya 的牛油是beurre de baratte(手拌的牛油)——而且原料是來自單一原產地的奶油批次,造出天然和比較少加工的成品。 農場奶油經巴氏殺菌,並加入乳酸桿菌培養細菌,經天然發酵發展出特別濃厚馥郁的忌廉牛油 crème fraiche,將之再攪拌就成為奶油、最後就是帶獨特風味的牛油。攪拌後的牛油內的菌仍然活躍,所以最後到你手上的牛油仍含有健康的活性菌種。牛油打開後,隨著持續的發酵,牛油味道可能會產生更複雜的香氣,這就是加入活性細菌培養的牛油所含的特質。Pepe Saya在嗅覺測試中評分很高,他們的牛油具有非常厚實柔滑的質感和芝士般的香氣。 📌 包裝上的日期是儲存0-4°c 的冰鮮期,用不完的牛油可儲存於冰箱 -18°c 延長食用期半年至一年 The difference is the process of making it. The Pepe Saya butter is beurre de baratte (butter of the churn) — it is batch churned from single origin cream, creating a natural and less processed product. When the cream arrives from the farms to the creamery, the cream is pasteurised and inoculated with a lactobacillus bacterial culture, allowing for a full buttery taste to ferment and develop, creating the unique flavour of cultured butter — this is the crème fraiche. The crème fraiche is then churned, which produces buttermilk and of course the butter, the cultures are still alive and active after churning — so your wheel of Pepe Saya Butter is alive and full of culture. Finally, the butter is kneaded and placed into hand pressed moulds, wrapped and labelled. When you first open your butter it will have a tangy and creamy flavour. Over time the culture will develop, which enhances the flavour. Developing cultures will give the butter a cheesier taste and more pungent smell. This is a typical characteristic of cultured butter. Cultured butter with bacteria added to it will produce a more desirable and complex aroma, Pepe Saya scores high in the olfactory test, their butter has a very creamy and cheesy aroma. 📌 The date shown on packaging is not the best before date under refrigeration of 0-4°c, butters shelf life can be extended by at least 6 months if stored under frozen temperature -18°c

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