💧澳洲 洋薑 Australia Jerusalem Artichokes



每份3-4件約500g per 3-4pcs 洋薑也被稱為菊芋、太陽薊、鬼子薑、薑不辣等等,是屬於菊科向日葵品種,原產於北美洲中部。洋薑可以生吃或熟食,白肉帶點堅果味,生吃像栗子一樣甜脆。 烘焗後會像薯仔、芋頭,味道溫和,比其他根部蔬菜更有益於健康。 洋薑被認為是薯仔的絕佳代替品,廣泛用於對抗糖尿病。雖然味甜,但它們的澱粉纖維可以阻止血糖水平飆升——事實上,它們的升糖指數GI值低於薯仔。它們含有豐富的菊粉 —— 一種多糖單位的益生元纖維,主要在大腸中分解,透過吸收胃和腸道中的水份膨脹,能降低食慾,有持久的飽肚效果。它還可以刺激雙歧桿菌的生長,可對抗有害細菌,並有助於減少某些致癌酶。 洋薑還含豐富鐵質,提供能量,還有鉀和維他命B1,支援肌肉和神經系統正常運作。 Jerusalem artichoke, also called sunroot, sunchoke, wild sunflower, topinambur, or earth apple, is a species of sunflower native to central North America. It is cultivated widely across the temperate zone for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable. Jerusalem artichoke can be eaten raw or cooked. The white flesh is nutty, sweet and crunchy like chestnuts when raw. Baked in their skins, they become more like potatoes with a mild taste of artichoke hearts, with even more health benefits then their root vegetable cousins. Jerusalem artichoke is considered an excellent substitute for potatoes and is widely used in diabetes therapy. Although they're sweet, their starchy fibre stops any spikes in blood sugar levels – indeed they have a lower glycemic index (GI) score than potatoes. They have a high level of inulin - a type of prebiotic fibre with multiple sugar units mainly degraded in the large intestine. As fiber, it swells up in the stomach and intestine by absorbing water. It reduces appetite and has a long-lasting, satiating effect. It can also stimulate growth of bifidobacteria, which fights harmful bacteria and helps reduce certain carcinogenetic enzymes. Jerusalem artichoke is also rich in iron giving you energy, along with potassium and vitamin B1, which support your muscles and nerves.

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