💧澳洲 白皮紫番薯 Australia White Skin Purple Sweet Potato Yam



每份2-4件約500g per 2-4pcs 番薯不僅是成人和兒童的絕佳營養來源,特別是3歲以下嬰兒,75克就能提供他們每天100%的維他命A攝入量,70%以上的維他命C,並且是煙酸和鎂的來源。鎂能幫助保持骨骼、肌肉和牙齒的健康,是兒童成長和發展所必需的,也是身體進行正常細胞分裂的重要元素。 Sweet potatoes aren’t just a wonderful source of goodness for adults and school-age children, they’re also a great source of nutrition for infants under 3. In fact, just 75g of baked sweet potatoes provides 100% of their daily intake of Vitamin A, more than 70% of Vitamin C, and is a source of niacin and magnesium. Helps maintain healthy bones, muscles and teeth. Needed for growth and development in children. Needed for healthy cell division during growth.

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