💧秘魯 白露筍 Peru White Asparagus



每包8-10條500g per pack of 8-10 白蘆筍比綠蘆筍更珍貴,因為在種植時要把筍莖埋在泥土,避免接觸陽光而產生葉綠素,亦要於蘆荀在接 觸陽光前採摘,得以保持潔白的顏色,才能種出白蘆筍。 白蘆筍味道細緻清甜,在歐洲被喻為「吃得的象牙」,貴為菜中珍品。白蘆筍的味道比綠色細膩,綠蘆筍有點草腥味,而白蘆筍則清甜且帶點回甘。 獨特的味道也許是它在歐洲如此珍貴的原因。 白蘆筍非常健康,每100克只含20卡路里,完全沒有脂肪。 含豐富維他命C、葉酸和抗氧化成份,對心臟有益。 建議食法:白蘆筍外皮較厚,必須先去皮,蘆筍底部也應該切掉,但也不用丟掉——可將它們打碎用來煮蘆筍忌廉湯。最傳統的白蘆筍烹煮方法是用水煮,加入牛油、檸檬汁和鹽煮沸,根據蘆筍的厚度,煮八到三十分鐘,讓蘆筍在煮汁中冷卻,以保持味道和水分。最後簡單搽上少許橄欖油或意大利醋即成為一道美味的前菜。 蒸煮是另一種烹調方法,最能保留蘆筍的味道。烤焗也可以,甚至可以BBQ增添煙燻味。 White asparagus is white because it is grown without being exposed to light, preventing photosynthesis and therefore the production of chlorophyll. As it begins to grow, soil is piled onto the seedling to keep it in the dark – a very labour intensive process which explains the pricetag on this highly revered spring vegetable. White asparagus has a more delicate flavor than green. While green asparagus is a bit grassy, white asparagus is sweeter and has just a hint of bitterness. This delicate flavor is perhaps why it's so prized in Europe. White asparagus is a very healthy vegetable, containing only twenty calories per 100g and no fat at all. It is rich in vitamin C, folic acid and antioxidants, and said to be beneficial for a healthy heart. White asparagus has a thick outer skin that must be peeled before using as it is too stringy to eat. The base should also be removed as it is too woody to chew. The most traditional way of cooking white asparagus is in an emulsion of water, butter, lemon juice and salt, which is brought to the boil and the asparagus added and gently simmered for anything between eight and thirty minutes, depending on the thickness of the spears. It is best to let the asparagus cool in this liquid to retain flavour and moisture. Steaming is another popular cooking method, in which all of the asparagus' flavour is retained – a much healthier alternative to cooking in butter. Roasting and grilling are both good ways to achieve a caramelised flavour from white asparagus and (weather permitting) you could even cook it on the barbecue to impart a lovely smokiness. Don't bin those bases either – cook them down with stock and use to make a velvety soup or creamy purée to accompany a main course.

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