💧紐西蘭 全天然紅菜頭酸菜 New Zealand Living Goodness Beet Sauerkraut

HKD 98.00



每樽500g * 無加添糖、防腐劑、人工食素或香料 採用喜瑪拉亞山礦物鹽,天然香料及益生元,發酵過程中,不同原料會在不同溫度下令「好菌」迅速繁殖。隨著好菌的生長,它們會分解蔬菜的纖維,令蔬菜釋放更多的維生素和礦物質,使其具有更高的營養價值。 建立好的腸道健康可幫助您的消化系統分解食物,使人體更容易吸收營養,平衡的細菌系統可以幫助確保控制壞菌,減少腸道易激症和許多其他腸道問題。 每人都會經歷使用抗生素的過程,抗生素進入人體腸道後,會任意殺死所有細菌包括對我們有利的好菌。而通過益生菌或食用發酵食品,可有效重建好菌。 大家也許有所不知,健康的腸道不僅可以建立強大的免疫系統,也有助於改善心理健康。有研究表明,與腸道就像我們的第二個腦袋,與我們的腸道交流,就像跟我們的心腦交流一樣重要!所以我們必須盡力保持腸道處於最佳狀態。 成份: 椰菜、紅椰菜、紅菜頭、喜瑪拉亞礦物鹽、細菌種、菊苣提取物 * No added sugar, preservatives, artificial colouring or flavouring * Gluten, wheat, dairy and nuts free Using Himalayan salt, flavoursome herbs and live friendly bacteria, each product is fermented in New Zealand helping to keep your tummy at just the right balance for overall health and well-being. Not only do fermented foods taste great, they can be super good for you as well! The Korean Kraut : Fermented Chinese cabbage, green cabbage, pak choy and spring onions mixed up for maximum deliciousness. Using a Korean recipe so secret it has been whispered down from generation to generation... until a Kiwi stole it and started making it in Titirangi! This is a jar of the authentic good stuff it will make your tummy tingle and your taste buds buzz. 🔍 What are fermented foods? Living Goodness mix vegetables with Himalayan Salt, which is rich in minerals and the 84 elements, found in the human body. They add a culture starter that contains strong strains of the friendly probiotic bacteria, lactobacillus plantarum, pediococcus acidolactici & leuconostoc cremoris. The fermented vegetables are placed in a temperature-controlled incubator, the kimchi for 10-14 days and the krauts for two months at between 19-23 degrees to create the optimum environment for the friendly bacteria to grow. 🔍 Why are fermented foods so important for our health? As the friendly bacteria grow they break down the cellulose of the vegetables. This releases more of the vitamins & minerals from the vegetables making them more bioavailable for eating. Something Captain Cook discovered on his voyages helping prevent scurvy. Building good bacteria can aid your digestive system helping to break down food that in turn enables the nutrients to be more easily absorbed by the body. Every body has both good and bad bacteria, balancing the system can help ensure the good bacteria wins over the bad. It can help control candida, irritable bowel syndrome and many other intestinal issues. More and more research is showing the impact of over using antibiotics on our gut. Antibiotics indiscriminately kill all bacteria whether good or bad, it’s what they are designed to do and are very effective at it. But after a course of Antibiotics it’s important to rebuild the good bacteria. This can effectively be done through probiotics or more enjoyably eating fermented foods. Not only has having a healthy gut been shown to build a strong immune system and aid in improving mental health, but research is now saying that our gut is our second brain communicating to the brain as much as the brain communicates to the gut, so it pays to keep it as healthy as possible by feeding it good bacteria. Add some purple love to any meal with this delicious Heartbeet Kraut. Something this colourful has to be good for you – and it is! Rich in live probiotics, this raw cabbage and beetroot kraut is fermented for a tangy sweetness that will only leave you wanting more. If that doesn’t get your heart racing and your taste buds tingling, what will?! Serving Suggestion: Heartbeet Kraut is the perfect fermented food for any meal. Our taste testers recommend sprinkling it on salads, adding it to tacos and sandwiches or as a yummy condiment for any meat dish. Ingredients: Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Beetroot, Himalayan Salt, Body Ecology Culture, Chicory Extract Directions : Keep in fridge. Natural fermentation may occur, open with care




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