💧紐西蘭 雲尼拿椰子乳酪 New Zealand Raglan Vanilla Bean Coconut Yoghurt



每杯150g per cup * 不含奶類、麩質,不添加糖、防腐劑 * 純素、非轉基因 * 含數十億益生菌 ⭐️ 椰子乎合公平道德來源 Raglan 會定期探訪位於印尼的椰子園和椰漿生產商,以確保椰子種植無使用殺蟲劑,並確保生產團隊得到公平的報酬 ⭐️ 建立健康腸道的益生菌 添加了數十億活性益生菌的素食培養物,對健康平衡的腸道非常重要 ⭐️ B Corp & Carbon Zero 認證 作為認證B Corp的一部分,他們還確保其供應商簽署行為守則,明確規定不允許任何動物勞疫、童工或使用監獄犯人勞工 成份: 椰漿、濃縮蘋果汁、天然未經加工澱粉、雲尼拿醬、雲尼拿提取物0.15%、活性乳酸菌(A菌 / B菌) 儲存溫度:4°c 開封後請於10天內食用 紐西蘭製造 * Dairy free, gluten free, free from refined sugar, and preservatives * Vegan, non-GMO * Billions of probiotics Dip into this decadent & dreamy vanilla bean coconut yoghurt. Thick, creamy & rather more-ish, this is perfect to be enjoyed alfresco or al-desko. A dairy-free delight with nothing but good vibes & velvety deliciousness inside. ⭐️ Ethically sourced coconuts Regularly visit their growers & producers of coconut cream & milk in Indonesia to ensure that coconuts are grown in a pesticide and spray-free environment, and that the harvest & production teams are fairly paid & well-treated. ⭐️ Probiotics for a happy tummy The billions of live vegan cultures added to all the plant-based yoghurts are great for a healthy and well balanced gut. ⭐️ B Corp & Carbon Zero Certified company As part of being a Certified B Corporation they also ensure that their suppliers sign a code of conduct that explicitly states that they do not permit the use of any animal labour, child labour, or prison labour. Ingredients: Coconut Cream, Apple Juice Concentrate, Natural Starch, Vanilla Paste, Vanilla Extract 0.15%, Live Vegan Cultures (Acidophilus & Bifidobacterium) Keep chilled at 4°c. Once opened, eat within 10 days. Made in New Zealand

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