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💧荷蘭 帶枝蜜糖車厘茄 Holland Looye Honey Tomatoes on Vine
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每盒180g per tray 只是看著它們的包裝和深紅的番茄顏色,你已可以感覺到它們有多好吃——Looye Honingtomaten 蜜糖番茄有一種美妙獨特的味道,只有20%至25%的Looye作物配得上Looye Honingtomaten的頭銜——番茄不僅好看,吃這些蜜糖番茄可以說是感官上的享受! You can feel your mouth start to water even as you look at them in their packaging – deep red tomatoes attached to a beautiful green vine, or truss, as we call it in the trade. Looye Honingtomaten are a wonderful delicacy, a unique vegetable snack with an exceptionally delicious taste. Only 20 to 25 percent of Looye’s crop is worthy of the coveted title of Looye Honingtomaten - tomatoes that not only look good but taste sensational too!
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