💧荷蘭 食用櫛瓜花 Holland Fleur de Courgette Zucchini Blossoms



每份四支 4 blossoms per box 原來意式翠肉瓜也有以花的形式出現!不同一般其他食用花,櫛瓜花比你想象中好味和有健康益處。雌性櫛瓜花一旦經授粉,花就會閉合,瓜就會開始在底部生長。而花與瓜的部份有著大致相同的營養,包括能增強免疫系統的維他命A、維他命C,和有利於促進肌肉生長和保持良好消化系統的鉀。 櫛瓜花可以用幾種不同的方式烹煮,作為典型的前菜,通常會以不同種類的軟芝士填入花囊中食用。除此之外,也可以填充了芝士後脆炸,是一個頗受歡迎的烹調方法。至於填充的東西,除了芝士,較濃稠的乳酪、蛋黃醬也是不錯的選擇。 Did you know that zucchini come in the form of flowers too? They actually pack a lot more taste and health benefits than you might think! All zucchini actually start out as flowers, once pollination has run its course, the flower closes back up and a zucchini grows at the base of the plant. Zucchini flowers carry a lot of the same health benefits as the squash itself! It’s a perfect food for those looking to increase their immune system’s functionality, due to the plant’s naturally high vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium which is beneficial for promoting muscle growth and good digestive health. Zucchini flowers can be cooked in several different ways that yield tasty results. For a typical appetizer, zucchini flowers are usually stuffed with different types of cheeses and served as is. However, you can also cook them in a light batter, deep fried zucchini flowers are a popular choice. Regardless of what style you choose, you’ll get a delicious and nutritious final product!

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