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💧荷蘭 黑番茄 Holland Kumato Heirloom Black Tomatoes
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每份五個約500g per 5 tomatoes Kumato™ 番茄的顏色會從深啡色自然變化到金綠色,它們的獨特之處在於,成熟的所有階段都可以食用。 多汁、質地實淨,果糖含量高於傳統的紅色番茄,味道異常甜美、有複雜不同層次的味道,也會略帶酸味。 Kumato™ 番茄含特別豐富鉀、鎂及維他命A和C。 番茄中的鉀和維他命B能有效降低人體的膽固醇和血壓。 Kumato™ tomatoes color changing naturally from dark brown to a golden green, and they are unique in that they are edible in all stages of ripeness. They are juicy with a firm texture, and they have high fructose content, than that of traditional red tomatoes, resulting in their extraordinarily sweet, complex flavor, which is succulent and also slightly tart. The Kumato™ tomato is especially rich in potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A and C. The potassium as well as the Vitamin B in tomatoes makes them effective in reducing cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure.
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