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💧西班牙 黑毛豬風乾火腿片 Spain Calderón Jamón Ibérico de Cebo
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一包 One pack
三包 Three packs
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每包80g * 30個月風乾、以優質穀物作飼料 * 豬後腿,肉質結實油脂豐富多汁 Jamón Ibérico 屬伊比利亞中頂級之一,甘香可口,溶化口中油香四溢。適合單獨品嚐,或配搭味道不太濃的水果、芝士、麵包等等 * 30 month cured, Iberian pig fed on high quality animal feed * From Iberian hind legs, muscle mass is heavier than shoulder with slightly less fat Jamón Ibérico is one of the top grades among Spanish hams. Their rich savoury flavour is distinct and irresistible. Let the fat slowly melts in your mouth for best tasting. Suitable for enjoying alone, or with fruits, cheese, or bread, etc. that are not too strong in taste
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