💧馬來西亞 D200黑刺榴槤 Malaysia Black Thorn Durian

數量 / Quantity



每箱5-6隻 10kg per carton of 5-6 * 此產品需按實際重量計算 * This is a pay-by-weight item 說到最好吃的榴槤,馬來西亞貓山王最為人熟悉,但高處未算高,在馬來西亞更受當地人推崇的品種,叫D200黑刺,堪稱「水果王中王」,有「樹上黃金」的稱號。它的果肉非常綿滑,色澤鮮艷,味道濃厚,層次豐富有變化,被稱為「有史以來最美味的榴槤」。 黑刺名氣之所以不及貓山王,只因產量極低,是非常稀有的榴槤品種,而且大部分都被皇室和富豪收購,因此不及貓山王般聲名遠播,平民亦很少機會吃到。 Black Thorn was a secret for many years as the original tree in Sungai Bakap was planted based on a seed that originated from Thailand and little was known about it outside the community. Since being commercially grown, it has surged in popularity over the years and is being lauded as a rival to Musang King. Each fruit is plump and voluptuous with a bright burnished, slightly reddish hue. Tastewise, it packs a phenomenal punch – creamy, thick flesh with an underlying richness, sweetness and a slight alcoholic aftertaste that proves instantly seductive.

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