♻️法國 百里香番茄乾吞拿魚醬 France Petit Navire Thyme & Dried Tomato Tuna Spread



每罐125g per tin * 營養等級:A * 100% 漁業認證 * 吞拿魚醬十分百搭,可配法包、多士、餅乾等等 Petit Navire屬於「布列塔尼生產網路」的成員,產品於布列塔尼製造。該協會的價值觀是尊重、開放、集體承諾和努力。 成份: 吞拿魚43%,水,半乾番茄 10%(番茄 / 菜籽 / 鹽 / 蒜頭 / 牛至)、菜籽油、洋蔥、番茄,濃縮番茄醬、粟粉、番茄乾調味料 1.7% [番茄乾(番茄 / 鹽)1.1% / 菜籽油 / 特級初榨橄欖油 / 發酵醋 / 鹽]、糖、發酵醋、百里香0.9%、蒜頭、番茄碎片、鹽 📌 室溫存放,開啟後必須存放於雪櫃0-4°而且盡快食用 * Nutriscore: A * 100% MSC certified * Finely cut tuna accompanied by dried tomatoes and thyme that is easy to spread! Petit Navire is a member of the ‘Produced in Brittany network’, and this product is manufactured in Brittany. The Association's values are respect, openness, "true speech", collective commitment and a sense of effort. Ingredients: Tuna 43%, water, semi-dried tomatoes 10% (tomato / rapeseed oil / salt / garlic / oregano), rapeseed oil, onions, tomatoes, tomato concentrate, corn starch, dried tomato seasoning 1.7% [dried tomatoes (tomatoes / salt) 1.1%, rapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, alcohol vinegar, salt], sugar, alcohol vinegar, thyme 0.9%, garlic, tomato flakes, salt 📌 Store at room temperature. Must be kept under 0-4° after opening and consume as soon as possible
