♻️法國 迷你白露筍 France d'aucy Mini White Asparagus



每樽約18-20條190g per jar of 18-20pcs 適合淋上意大利陳醋享用。蘆筍含大量維他命B9,有助於對抗與年齡相關的腦功能下降,特別幫助防止記憶力和注意力下降。 成份: 白蘆筍(秘魯)、水、鹽、果酸 Hand-picked miniature white asparagus in a jar. Ideal to be eaten cold with a drizzle of vinaigrette. Asparagus contains a lot of vitamin B9 which helps our brain to fight age-related declines in mental faculties, in particular by helping to prevent memory and concentration decline. Ingredients: White asparagus (Peru), water, salt, citric acid
