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♻️澳洲 烤焗無鹽原粒腰果 Australia Roasted Unsalted Whole Cashews
重量 Weight
500g x 2
每包200g or 500g 腰果12大功效 1. 幫助減重 根據研究,每天攝取適量的原味腰果,更容易看到減肥成效,因為腰果含有的Omega 3脂肪酸,能加速脂肪燃燒、提高基礎代謝率,防止肥肉囤積 2. 抗憂鬱症 它含有豐富的色胺酸,色胺酸是人體8種必需胺基酸之一,有降低焦慮、緊張的情緒和改善睡眠的功效,心情提升自然睡好,甚至能促進大腦健康,防失智的效果 3. 保護眼睛 腰果中的玉米黃素,能直接被視網膜吸收,形成一層保護膜,防止紫外線的攻擊,可降低罹患老年性黃斑病變 4. 控制血壓 含豐富蛋白質,以及不飽和脂肪酸,有降低血液的黏稠度、調整血脂、軟化血管等功效,能有效抑制血壓上升 5. 預防膽結石 膽結石大部分是因為膽固醇堆積而生成,腰果含有大量不飽和脂肪酸,其中的有油酸、亞香油酸,可以幫助降低膽固醇,預防膽結石發生 6. 強化骨骼 膠原蛋白、彈性蛋白是組成骨骼的重要成分,腰果中含有豐富的礦物質,包含鈣、銅、磷,銅能促進膠原蛋白生長;鈣質則可以補充骨質生成所需的原料(尤其孕媽媽們更需要補充完整的鈣) 7. 皮膚美容 腰果有豐富的胡蘿蔔素,可以促進皮膚的新陳代謝,讓肌膚回復青春狀態 8. 預防心臟病 堅果中的不飽和脂肪酸,有降低膽固醇的效果,還能平衡三酸甘油脂、降血壓,對預防心血管疾病例如動脈硬化 9. 預防癌症 腰果中的抗氧化劑,能降低身體發炎機率,預防癌症;另外大量的蛋白酶抑制劑,可以阻止癌細胞生長 10. 修護髮質 腰果中的銅,能促進黑色素分泌,預防白頭髮產生,另外豐富的油脂,也有修復髮質的功效 11. 預防貧血 含鐵量最高的堅果就是腰果!一天吃約5顆,就能補足人體每日所需的鐵質 12. 不飽和脂肪酸 腰果的脂肪含量酸然高達46.5%,但全都是不飽和脂肪酸,對人體負擔不大,反而還有助預防心血管疾病 1. Heart Health Eating cashews can lower your risk for cardiovascular disease. This may occur by reducing blood pressure and “bad” cholesterol levels. Nuts are naturally cholesterol-free and contain good amounts of heart-healthy fats, fiber, and protein. They also contain arginine, which protects the inner lining of artery walls 2. Blood Health The copper and iron in cashews work together to help the body form and utilize red blood cells. This in turn keeps blood vessels, nerves, the immune system, and bones healthy and functioning properly 3. Eye Health It might come as a surprise that cashews are good for your eyes too! They contain high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, which act as antioxidantswhen consumed regularly. These compounds protect the eyes from light damage (which can turn into blindness in the elderly), and can even help decrease the instance of cataracts 4. What about the Fat? Cashews contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients, but they also contain a lot of fat. The good news is that these fats are mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. When substituted for saturated fats and eaten in moderation, mono- and polyunsaturated fats can help improve heart disease as well as reduce the risk for stroke and prevent weight gain Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats also contribute vitamin E to the diet. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is great for promoting positive cell growth and overall health in the human body.