❄️台灣 蔥阿伯豬肉蔥餡餅 Taiwan Uncle Scallion Mini Pork Puff Pies



每盒20個600g per box of 20 * 超級薄皮、內餡飽滿 * 蔥阿伯NO.1 人氣產品 * 100%台灣生產,保證無防腐劑 * 通過數十項SGS嚴格檢驗、HACCP國際認證、IS022000國際認證 蔥阿伯秉持著台灣在地的好味道,選用來自台灣在地宜蘭三星蔥蔥苗於台灣南部彰化進行育種。蔥阿伯定期檢測食品安全相關認證,嚴格把關食品安全!榮獲HACCP、ISO22000國際品質認證、通過SGS食品檢驗合格,造出好品質、好安心的台灣地道好味道! 成份: 麵粉、青蔥、高麗菜、加拿大豬肉、水、增稠劑、大豆油、薑、醬油、味素、糖、鹽、大豆蛋白(非基因改造)、樹薯澱粉、黑胡椒粉、白胡椒粉、麻油香料[香料 / 天然香料 / 反應香料(麻油 / 黑麻油 / 葡萄糖) / 中鏈三酸甘油酯]、凝結劑 * Thin skin and filled full with substance * Uncle scallion’s no.1 popular product * 100% from Taiwan, guaranteed no preservatives added * Passed dozens of SGS strict tests including HACCP, IS022000 international certifications Adopting the good taste of Taiwan, Uncle Scallion makes best use of Taiwan renowned three-star green onion from Yilan. They regularly tests food safety-related certifications and strictly controls food safety! Obtained HACCP, ISO22000 international certifications, passed SGS food inspection, constantly creating good quality good taste of Taiwan! Ingredients: Flour, green onion, cabbage, Canada pork, water, thickener, soybean oil, ginger, soy sauce, flavouring, sugar, salt, soy protein (non-GMO), cassava starch, black pepper, white pepper, sesame oil spices [spices / natural spices / spices (sesame oil / black sesame oil / glucose) / medium-chain triglyceride], coagulant
