❄️地中海 有機海養鱸魚 Mediterranean Organic Ocean Farmed Seabass



$380/kg 每條約600-800g each * 已清潔,去腮及內臟 * 養殖密度低以確保魚保持健康狀況 * 不須使用抗生素,遵從人道飼養守則 * 低脂魚肉餵養監控 * 飼料不含基因改造、陸上動物原料 * 適合中式及東南亞蒸煮,西式焗、燒烤等 海鱸魚是一種較低脂的白肉魚,魚肉雪白緊緻且不失細膩幼嫩感,含優質蛋白質,因低卡路里使其成為對心臟健康有益的選擇。海鱸還含豐富的必需維他命和礦物質,如維他命B12、煙酸、磷和硒。在鱸魚中發現的omega-3脂肪酸,包括EPA和DHA,對大腦、心臟和整體健康都很重要。 Reynaud® 以其卓越的品質而聞名。OSO®是有機農業的世界先驅,是MAISON REYNAUD 水產養殖的姊妹公司,是總部位於法國的R&O集團的子公司。OSO® 養殖'場所在的海灣是一個特殊的地點,位於地中海隱閉海灣的中心點,海水清澈沒污染。水的深度和強烈海流使鱸魚運動量大而較低脂,而且遵從人道低密度以及有機飼養。 📌此產品之網上價錢是根據平均重量計算,最後單價需按實際重量計算(通常+/-5至10%) * Cleaned, gilled and gutted * Low stocking density, animal welfare-friendly * Monitored feeding for low fat fish * Feeding free from GMO and land animal meal * Suitable for both Asian style steaming or western style baking, grilling etc. Sea bass is a lean, white fish that is an excellent source of high-quality protein, low in calories and fat, making it a heart-healthy seafood option. Sea bass is also rich in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B12, niacin, phosphorus, and selenium. The omega-3 fatty acids found in sea bass, including EPA and DHA, are important for brain, heart, and overall health. Consuming sea bass as part of a balanced diet can help meet daily protein, vitamin, and mineral requirements while supporting various aspects of human well-being. Responsibly farmed in Greece to ensure its quality and taste, Reynaud® fish are known for their exceptional quality and unique taste. World pioneer in organic farming, OSO® is an avant-garde aquaculture sister company to MAISON REYNAUD, both subsidiary of R&O Seafood Gastronomy group based in France. The bay of Galaxidi, where the OSO® farm is located, is an exceptional site, in the heart of the Gulf of Corinth, with crystal clear waters, free of any pollution. The depth of the water and the strong sea currents give our sea bass a gastronomic quality, low in fat. The low stocking density is respectful of the animal's welfare and brings excellence to the OSO® product, the organic sea bass from the Gulf of Corinth. When cooked, the flesh is white and firm, delicate and tender when tasting, with a finely salty and balanced taste. 📌 This is a pay-by-weight item. Listed price is based on average weight of the product, final amount will be based on actual weight (usually within +/-5 to 10%)
