❄️大西洋 野生鮟鱇魚柳 Atlantic Northeast Wild Caught Monkfish Fillet



$580/kg 每份約350g per pack * 已去皮 於大西洋野生捕獲的鮟鱇魚,具有類似龍蝦的肉質,與海中任何其他魚類不同,並被暱稱為「窮人的龍蝦」。鮟鱇魚肉堅挺、帶甜,煮法多變,能將一般魚宴變得豐富——從炆煮、煎、焗,到切塊造周打魚湯等等。 * Skin off Monkfish is wild caught in the Atlantic. It has a lobster-like texture unlike any other fish in the sea and has been nicknamed, "poor man's lobster." Their firm flesh make monkfish fillets an ideal, slightly sweet addition to those hearty fish dishes—from stews and chowders 'to soups and bisques. Skin is removed from fillets.
