❄️日式 博多叉燒腩片 Japan Hakata style Pork Belly Roll Slices



每包4-5塊約300g per pack of 4-5 slices * 適合配搭任何拉麵、沾麵湯,只需翻熱即可食用 * 荷蘭豬肉,香港製造 把豬五花肉卷起,用烤爐慢慢烤焗成叉燒,是拉麵的最佳配搭,也可以切成厚粒造炒飯,或原塊厚切造叉燒蓋飯也很適合。 成份: 荷蘭豬腩、味醂、料理酒、糖、醬油、水 * Suitable to pair with any ramen or tsukemen noodle soup, just reheat to enjoy * Dutch pork. Made in Hong Kong Slow grilled rolled up pork belly is the best match for ramen! It can also be diced thick to make fried rice, or keep in original thick pieces to put on steamed rice. Ingredients: Dutch pork belly, mirin, japan cooking wine, sugar, soy sauce, water
