❄️日本 極罕超大廣島蠔肉 Japan Hiroshima Oysters 5L



每包16-18隻 1kg per pack of 16-18 oysters * 需全熟食 養殖於廣島瀨戶內海(Seto Naikai)優良水域的廣島蠔,剝殼後採用先進急速冷凍保鮮技術,其蠔肉不單特別肥美,而且無論你如何烹調,肉身永遠保持飽滿狀態,其口感及鮮味,保持一流味道,無腥味。 而且不會似一般蠔肉稍經烹煑,便大為收縮,群邊轉仞,味道甚至略帶酸等等。 百變食材:酥炸、薑蔥煲、砵酒焗、清酒煮、煎蠔餅、打邊爐都適合! * Must be fully cooked Oysters are a product that's representative of Hiroshima. The Seto Inland Sea near Hiroshima has perfect conditions for producing large, flavorful oysters. Its clear and warm waters are full of the necessary nutrients for the growth of oysters. Thanks to the support of Hiroshima Prefecture, the safety measures regarding the quality of water in this area are quite strict.
