❄️日本 金目鯛キンメ一夜干 Japan Semi-dried Kinmedai Fish



每條350g 金目鯛真正美味來自於肉和皮膚之間的脂肪,燒烤後揭開外皮是鋪着一層甘香可口魚油的魚肉。「一夜干」(いちやぼし) 源自於日本北海道地區,在冷凍技術還不普遍的年代,當地漁夫為了保存鮮魚而發明了這種「醃漬、風乾」的處理方式;一夜干的做法是將油脂豐腴的鮮魚剖開、清除內臟,再浸泡於與海水濃度相近的鹽水中,最後只有經過一夜風乾,便完成的魚乾。 吃法可以燒烤、烤焗,烤的過程中,魚的油脂溢出,香氣撲鼻而且外脆內軟。焗好後根據喜好配檸檬汁、醬油和蘿蔔泥,鮮美可口。日本人的居酒屋中常見這道菜,用來佐酒,價格又合理,所以非常受人歡迎。 Kinmedai or known as "golden eye snapper" in Japanese cuisine, is a white-fleshed fish with a fairly high fat content and balanced flavor. The meat is not overly fishy, but is rich with umami flavor. This fish is usually aged for 2 to 3 days after being dispatched using the ikejime technique. The ageing allows the fish's natural enzymes to break down the proteins in the flesh, increasing the flavour and texture of the fish. Defrost the product in refrigerator. After defrosting, grill on the stove with medium heat, flip 2 sides until the fish is cooked. It is used as nibbles for drinks or can be eaten with white rice. Best to add lemon juice, pair with japan thick soy sauce, and radish puree.
