❄️本地 急凍野生花竹蝦 Hong Kong Wild Caught Kuruma Prawns

尺寸 Size



每盒6-7隻 / 12-13隻 600g per pack of 6-7 or 12-13 * 天然活抓海花竹蝦,所有原料直接來自艇家 * 供應往日本市場用作天婦羅及刺身 正宗的天婦羅,只會選用車海老。車海老亦即花竹蝦,野生花竹蝦肉厚質爽甜,很多煮法也適宜。可以蒜蓉原隻開邊蒸、豉油王煎、椒鹽等等。 * Wild caught from local fishermen * Supply to Japanese market for tempura and sashimi use Authentic tempura only uses Kuruma shrimps, shrimp meat is thick and crunchy. Many ways of cooking are suitable : stir fry, grill, or make shrimp meat egg noodle soup.
