❄️泰國 全熟原隻蝦 Thailand Seafresh Cooked Whole Cocktail Shrimps



每盒 約45-50隻 1kg per box of 45/50 ASC certified 單凍原隻熟蝦 非常爽同鮮甜 解凍即食,啱晒開 party * IQF 個別急速冷凍 * ASC 認證: ASC 為獨立非牟利組織,由 WWF 及 The Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative 於 2010 年共同創立,旨在建立一個受全球認可的系統,以認證由環保養殖業生產的海鮮。 * This product is frozen IQF * This product comes from a farm that has been independently certified to the ASC's standard for responsibility farmed seafood. https://www.asc-aqua.org
