❄️澳洲 急凍牛油果片 Australia Natavo Frozen Avocado Slices



每包 500g per pack * 特有Natavo Zero™ 技術,自然除去牛油果的酵素,令牛油果不會變黑,不需加果酸或化學物質解決這個問題 * 不存在不新鮮 / 變黑 / 未熟問題 * 注意:經過急凍的牛油果不能放置室溫太久,否則會變得太軟,從冰箱取出放室溫下30-45分鐘後應盡快食用 🥑 牛油果一直被視為 Super Food,原來牛油果有極高及全面的營養價值,好處多不勝數,女人可視之為日常食用的補品!牛油果所含的脂肪大部份都是不飽和脂肪,同時,大家可以將牛油果取代日常脂肪來源,例如用牛油果代替牛油。相同份量的牛油果醬的卡路里只是牛油的 1/4,飽和脂肪更只有牛油的 1/25,而且不含膽固醇,比牛油健康得多 牛油果有助減肥,因內含的纖維能增加飽肚感,減低食慾的功效,半個牛油果就能提供人體每日所需纖維的 27%(每日所需約 25g 纖維) 牛油果中的維他命 E 有強勁的抗氧化功能,有助身體避開自由基的攻擊,從而有效保護腦部細胞,達到預防腦部衰退的功效。因此吃牛油果有增強記憶力、提升認知能力的功效,特別有利兒童腦部發展 牛油果除了擁有豐富的脂肪,其實還有不少維他命等營養,例如維他命 A、B2、E及葉黃素,這些營養成分對眼睛有不少好處,能預防黃斑變性、白內障等。與其用添加成分的眼藥水,不如進食天然、健康又好味的牛油果。 牛油果雖然是油,但營養豐富,對年長人士好處多。膽固醇偏高是現今「老友記 」的通病,而高膽固醇與各種嚴重疾病如心臟病及中風等息息相關。 推薦牛油果吃法十分多: * 配雲呢拿雪糕 dessert: best matched with vanilla ice cream * 牛油果奶昔 avocado milkshake * 牛油果沙律 avocado salad * 牛油果煙三文魚意大利粉 avocado & smoked salmon pasta * 墨西哥牛油果醬 guacamole dip * 牛油果蟹肉三文治醬 avocado crab paste * 牛油果煙三文魚壽司 avocado smoked salmon sushi * 牛油果蕃茄醬 avocado tomato salsa The ‘World First’ Natavo Zero™ process effectively switches off the enzyme that causes avocados to go brown. Our Natavo™ frozen avocado product has a remarkable shelf life, is 100% natural, tastes great and comes in frozen diced avocado or frozen avocado chunks, frozen avocado slices and frozen smashed avocado. It’s IQF Avocado like you have never seen before! 🥑 Benefits of avocado: 1. Loaded with healthy fats, fiber and various important nutrients 2. Very high in potassium, which should support healthy blood pressure levels 3. High in monounsaturated oleic acid, a heart-healthy fatty acid 4. Rich in fiber — very high compared to most other foods. Fiber may have important benefits for weight loss and metabolic health 5. Improve heart disease risk factors like “bad” LDL and “good” HDL cholesterol, as well as blood triglycerides 6. People who ate avocados had a much higher nutrient intake and a lower risk of metabolic syndrome 7. Eating avocado or avocado oil with vegetables can dramatically increase the number of antioxidants you take in 8. High in antioxidants, including lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients are very important for eye health and lower your risk of macular degeneration and cataracts 9. Significantly reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis 10. Keep you full longer and make you eat fewer calories. They're also high in fiber and low in carbs, which may promote weight loss 11. Creamy, rich, fatty texture and blend well with many other foods



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