❄️澳洲 有機全草飼封門柳 Australia 100% Organic Grass fed Thick Skirt Hanger



$240/kg 每塊約1.7kg average weight per piece * 產品獲世界最嚴格有機認證 * 所有農場內使用的包括肥料、除蟲劑、飼料、藥物也是有機級別 * 參與世界性碳排放研究 (Carbon Reduction Institute) 並嚴格遵守相關承諾,農場每一分碳排放都會被第三方抵消,通過碳補償項目減少溫室氣體 (Carbon Offset Project) 📌此產品之網上價錢是根據平均重量計算,最後單價需按實際重量計算(通常+/-5至10%) * Australian certified organic * Carbon neutral products * Certified organic by ACO and USDA * MSA graded * Grass-fed and free-range * Raised without chemicals or pesticides * HGP free (hormone growth promotant) * Free from preservatives or synthetic additives * Contains Omega-3 fatty acids and essential vitamins and minerals * Fully traceable * Flavoursome and tender The Australian Certified Organic Standard is one of the most respected and rigorous standards in the world for organic production, and is published by organic industry not-for-profit representative group, Australian Organic Organics is not just “chemical free”. It is a whole systems or holistic means of growing and handling food. The whole system is linked – Soil. Plants. Animals. Food. People. Environment Driven by increasing global demand for grass-fed organic meat and growing consumer appreciation for food provenance, the organic meat business continues to grow. The philosophy of sourcing only the purest, most organically sound product, provides customers with the assurances they seek in their meat choices. The Organic Meat Company is driven by a commitment to Australian family farming, safeguarding of the environment, and the wellbeing of future generations To provide customers total assurance in the products, certification, quality assurance and accreditation are taken very, very seriously. With differing requirements at every step of meat production the company works with a wide range of certification and industry bodies, and regulators to ensure that operation meets and exceeds compliance requirements at every stage The Organic Meat Company was founded on the basis of caring for people, caring for animals, and caring for the land. This underpins long-term partnerships with family farmers. It also explains why they’re champions for certified organic livestock production Becoming a 100% Carbon Neutral Meat company allows the company to take responsibility for their footprint and carbon emissions – across the entire business and every product produced. Every product has a carbon footprint and it’s ensure that the footprint is ‘neutralised’ by something that compensates for it 📌 This is a pay-by-weight item. Listed price is based on average weight of the product, final amount will be based on actual weight (usually within +/-5 to 10%)
