❄️澳洲 有機草飼走地牛心薄片 Australia Arcadian Organic Free Range Beef Heart Slices



每碟200g per pack * 牛隻可自主漫遊,從不被規限活動空間 * 於澳洲天然草地牧場上生活成長 * 無添加生長荷爾蒙、抗生素 * 獲零碳排放認證 牛心是微量營養素的重要來源,含有維生素 B12、硒、鐵和膽鹼等生物可利用的營養素 澳洲 Arcadian成立於2003年,生產的肉類是據最高品質規格的天然肉類,遵從最高的動物福利標準,環保和自由放養的理念。他們致力保持澳洲農業的價值觀、關注後代的福祉,供應優質天然肉類。所有農場內的動物都可以自由漫遊而不被限制,維持道德肉類生產的最高標準。 * Animals are free to roam, never confined * Raised on Australian natural pastures * No hormones added. No antibiotics * Certified carbon neutral Beef Heart is a micronutrient powerhouse with bioavailable nutrients like Vitamin B12, Selenium, Iron, and Choline. Arcadian produces the highest quality natural meat with high animal welfare standards, care for the environment and a free range philosophy. Arcadian always maintains its commitment to the values of Australian farming, the wellbeing of future generations and supplying premium quality natural meat. All our animals are raised on Australian pastures, free to roam and never confined. Established in 2003, Arcadian brings the highest standards of ethical meat production.
