❄️澳洲 草飼金錢肚 Australia Grass fed Cow Tripe



$150/kg 每包一個約700g per pack of 1 已初步清潔好,但金錢肚本身帶有很濃的異味,可先用鹽或醋將肚的裡外都仔細搓洗,再用粟粉、酒搓洗,清水洗淨,接著放熱水稍滾後熄火浸半個鐘。 Initially cleaned, but stomach has a strong odour, scrub the inside and outside of stomach with salt or vinegar, wash and scrub again with flour and cooking wine. Then place in hot water, boil water briefly, turn off the heat and soak it for about half an hour.
