❄️澳洲 M9純種和牛金錢𦟌 Australia Blackmore M9 Full blood Wagyu Gold Coin Beef Hotpot Slices



每包200g per pack 全血和牛在日本本土以外比較少找到,澳洲 Blackmore是第一家獲得日本當局許可進口純種和牛,Blackmore 和牛屢獲殊榮,有國際公認的100%全血和牛生產商,牛隻絕對沒有被任何其他品種稀釋。 Fullblood Wagyu cattle are rare to find outside of their native Japan. David Blackmore was the first Australian to receive permission from Japanese authorities to import their strictly guarded cattle. Blackmore Wagyu is an award winning and internationally recognised producer of 100% Fullblood Wagyu beef, cattle that are not diluted with any other breed.
