❄️紐西蘭 全草飼和牛漢堡 New Zealand iFirst Light 100% Grass fed Wagyu Beef Patties



每盒四塊 100g x 4 per set * 100% 純草飼和牛 * 非基因改造飼養 * 不添加抗生素或賀爾蒙 * 人道飼養證書,ASPCA®認證 * 與小型家庭式農民合作社,再生農業 * 在世界牛排挑戰賽上獲得三枚金牌 First Light Farms 100% 草食的和牛肉質嫩滑豐富、多汁,無論你選擇哪一個部位,都充滿牛肉的美味。Forbes.com 稱其為 “世界上最好的牛肉”。First Light 和牛在牧場上飼養,100%草食,絕對沒添加穀物,沒任何動物副產品。牛肉充滿天然大理石紋,並含豐富奧米茄3——就是我們應該吃的 “好脂肪”,是一種應該多吃的油。 First Light 的立場是,健康土壤是第一位。健康土壤代表有健康生長的草;健康的草代表著健康成長的牛。互相牽連合作是大自然的定律。透過輪流耕種和養牛,土壤得以保存水分(和碳)在地下,一切都像大自然運作一樣。 * 100% pasture raised grass fed wagyu beef * Non-GMO Project seal - cattle are raised on a diet free from GMO crops * No antibiotics or added hormones. No nasties. * Certified Humane®. ASPCA® Certified. * Cooperative of family farmers. Regenerative Agriculture. * Winner of three gold medals at the World Steak Challenge First Light is a small New Zealand company quietly changing the world. First Light Farms 100% grass-fed Wagyu is tender, rich, succulent beef with a delicious flavor no matter what cut you choose. It’s no accident Forbes.com called it “the best beef in the world”. First Light wagyu cattle are raised as nature intended on lush pasture, eating a 100% grass diet, with absolutely no grains, no animal by-products and no feedlots. The result is great-tasting meat, full of natural marbling and packed with Omega 3 – the kind of ‘good fat’ we should be eating, rather than avoiding. At First Light, the soil comes first. Healthy soil means healthy grass. Healthy grass means healthy and delicious beef. They work with Mother Nature rather than against her. By rotating beef and crops, they keep the moisture (and carbon!) in the ground. It all just works like, well, nature. Ingredients: Wagyu Beef 88%, Water, Potato Starch, Grainy Mustard, White Miso Paste (Soy), Pea Fibre, Salt, Dehydrated Vegetables (Garlic, Onion), Spices, Herbs, Preservative, Spice Extract
