❄️紐西蘭 走地免治雞胸肉 New Zealand Turk’s Free Range Minced Chicken Breast



每碟400g per tray * 被認證為良心供應商 * 雞飼料使用當地種植的優質粟米 現今人們特別關心食物來自哪裡,他們在吃什麼,以及用什麼動物飼料。這就是為什麼,Turk’s 自1966年以來一直堅持以當地種植的優質粟米餵飼他們的雞隻,自豪地在紐西蘭經營農場走地雞。 * Accredited as a Conscious Consumers supplier * Chickens are fed with local grown corn Today, people care about where their food comes from and what they’re eating. That’s why Turk’s feed their chickens on the goodness of locally grown corn. Their family-owned business has been proudly raising corn-fed chickens on select farms in the Horowhenua, New Zealand since 1966.
