❄️美國 免治牛肉 U.S. 44 Farms Minced Beef



每包454g per pack * 肥瘦比例:20/80% * 全天然飼養,全無添加,無防腐劑 * 飼養過程全沒使用抗生素、荷爾蒙 44 farm 被公認為美國首屈一指的黑安格斯牛肉生產商之一。農場不是工廠,場主會瞭解並評估他們飼養的每一隻牛,他們也瞭解本身其土地特性及能力,透過可持續性、強調牲畜健康和負責任的牧場管理,他們不斷追求改善:牛隻有助維持牧場植物的自然平衡;而多樣化的青草生長又可提供牛隻一流的營養。 * Fat / lean meat ratio: 20/80% * 100% naturally raised. Absolutely no antibiotics / hormones used * No preservatives added 44 Farms not only produces the finest steaks, but is also recognized as one of the premier Black Angus producers in the country. It is a working ranch, not a factory. The ranchers know and evaluate every animal they raise - and they know the land and its capabilities. 44 Farms manages for sustainability. By emphasizing livestock health and responsible pasture management, they improve both: cattle help maintain the pasture's natural balance; in turn, the diverse grasses combine to provide top-notch nutrition for the grazing cattle.
