❄️美國 有機全草飼肉眼牛扒 U.S. 100% Organic Grass fed Ribeye

重量 Weight



$480/kg 每塊約300g per pack of 3/4” steak $450/kg 原裝約900g per pack * 獲美國農業部 USDA 有機認證 * 採用人道方式照顧牛隻,絕不使用含動物副產品飼料 * 100% 純草飼養育,天然放牧,不使用抗生素、荷爾蒙、非基因改造 牛隻充分吸收天然牧草的精華,營養成份非常豐富,有較多的蛋白質和較低的脂肪含量,而脂肪中更富含Omega-3。 * USDA Organic * No Antibiotics, Hormones, Pesticides added * No Animal Byproducts Fed Frontière Natural Meats' Non-GMO Organic Beef Ribeye Steaks are a delicious choice for American grills. Made from the highest quality ingredients, 100% Organic and do NOT contain GMOs. Beef are grass-fed and NEVER administered antibiotics, steroids or growth hormones and are NEVER fed animal byproducts. You'll be delighted by the wholesome flavor in every package.
