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❄️美國 有機雞翼切件 U.S. Bell & Evans Organic Cut Wings
每包約800g average weight per pack * 混合雞翼/雞鎚 Bell & Evans 有機雞比其他美國雞細小,而且脂肪較少,所以可以造成更脆皮的效果,是開派對的熱門產品。 Bell & Evans跟從業內最高人道動物福利標準,他們建立了世界上第一個有機認證以動物福利為重點的雞隻孵化場。小雞一離開雞蛋殻就可享用有機食物、水、新鮮空氣和給予充足的光線。穀倉在每群雞群來到之間,糞便會被清除,完全消毒,穀倉有兩個多星期置空期。美國並沒有其他雞場採取這一步驟,但其實這措施對打斷細菌或病毒的生長週期至關重要。 Bell & Evans 只餵養雞隻美國最好的粟米和大豆,再加上他們自家製用牛至油、肉桂和植物絲蘭混合的飼料,雞隻自然腸道健康。許多家禽農場用抗生素注射雞蛋,並以甲醛消毒。Bell & Evans則用嚴格的生物安全程式和有機清潔方法取代使用有害化學品的。 📌此產品之網上價錢是根據平均重量計算,最後單價需按實際重量計算(通常+/-5至10%) * Mix of mid wings & drumettes Bell & Evans organic wings are smaller and less fatty than other brands, so they crisp up better. Couple them with your favorite sweet and tangy or hot and spicy sauce, and our organic chicken wings will be the hit of the party. Bell & Evans pioneers the highest set of humane animal welfare standards in the industry, they build the world’s first Organic Certified Animal-Welfare-Focused Chicken Hatchery. Their chicks enjoy organic food, water, fresh air and light as soon as they leave the egg. Inside the chicken house, old manure is removed and the barn is fully sanitised between each flock. The barns remain empty for more than two weeks. No other chicken company in the United States takes this step, but it’s crucial for breaking the lifecycle of bacteria and viruses. Special care is taken to feed their chickens only the best U.S. grown corn and soy, plus their own blend of oregano oil, cinnamon and yucca to support their natural gut health. Many poultry producers inject eggs with antibiotics and sanitize with formaldehyde. Bell & Evans replaced processes using harmful chemicals with stringent biosecurity procedures and organic sanitation methods. 📌 This is a pay-by-weight item. Listed price is based on average weight of the product, final amount will be based on actual weight (usually within +/-5 to 10%)