❄️美國 極黑豚豬軟骨 U.S. Berkshire Pork Soft Bone



$128/kg 每包約 650g (approx. weight per pack) 美國極黑豬,是百分之百全天然的 Berkshire Kurobuta 豬肉,三百年前英皇奧利弗克倫威爾的軍隊在英國 Berkshire的雷丁鎮發現了 Berkshire 豬,進而臣服於它的美味。 Berkshire 豬的美味使得它從十九世紀初就受到謹慎的品種挑選,以傳承純正的血統。數年之後,英國政府將 Berkshire 豬送給日本作為外交禮物。 美國極黑豬是採用最自然的養殖方式,將豬只以小家庭單位飼養於美國中西部的小農場裡,不增添增量劑、鈉或水在新鮮的豬肉產品上。極黑豬的瘦肉分佈以及大理石脂肪紋路與神戶牛肉相同,使得每一塊切片都能擁有甜美且鮮嫩多汁的口感。根據美國豬肉生產者委員會(National Pork Producers Council)依照25項品質標準所執行的美味測試,極黑豬榮獲19項冠軍,其中包括肉質柔嫩度以及多汁程度。它擁有神戶牛排般極佳大理石油花紋路;鮮甜柔軟特性, 脂肪香,肉汁甜,肉質富彈性,非常美味,特別好吃。 Berkshire Pork - All Natural: For almost four centuries the most flavorful pork has come from the Berkshire breed of hogs. Known as the “black pig” to many, the superior taste of Berkshire makes it the ideal choice for everything from tasty barbecued chops to moist delicious hams. Berkshire pork is famous for the perfect combination of juiciness, flavor and tenderness. One taste and you’ll see why this breed of pork has retained its popularity through the test of time. * 此產品需按實際重量計算 * This is a pay-by-weight item
