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🌾🚫 Gluten Free 無麩質
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🐃 Beef 上品牛
🐖 Pork 優質豬
🐓 Poultry 雞鴨鵝
🐓 Chicken 雞
🦆 Duck 鴨
🦢 Other Poultry 其他家禽
🐑 Lamb 羊肉
🦘🦌 Other meats 其他肉類
🐟 Seafood 海產物
🐡 Fish 魚
🦐 Shrimp 蝦
🦀 Crab 蟹
🌊 Other Seafood 其他海鮮
🍣 Sashimi 急凍刺身
🍖 Sausages 火腿腸
🍢 Meatballs 丸類
🥟 Dumplings 餃子
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🍎 Fruit Items 水果
🍚 Starch 粉麵飯
🥐 Pastries 高質麵包
🌾 Grains & Meals 穀麥類
👩🏻🍳 Baking 烘焙
🥜 Nuts & Snacks 果仁和零食
🧀 Butter. Cheese. Yogurt 牛油, 芝士, 乳酪
🍮 Dessert 甜點
🥣 Soup Base 靚湯
🧂Oil & Seasoning 油鹽醬醋
☕️ Coffee & Tea 咖啡茶
🥛Milk / Rice drinks 奶/米飲品
🍹Fruit juice 果汁
🥃 Wine 美酒
🍽Kitchen Accessories 廚房用品
Let's Cook 煮吧!
❄️美國 特級黑安格斯金錢牛𦟌 U.S. Iowa Prime Black Angus Golden Coin Muscle
$160/kg 每包兩條約600g (average weight per pack of 2pcs) * 用途廣泛,適合造滷水,炒、切薄片火鍋,口感爽脆,也可切粒炆煮,拌麵或送飯 美國 Iowa premium beef 是一個家庭營運的農場,由飼料到驗貨、包裝都經人手小心處理。飼料是100%粟米 The Beef Heel Muscle Golden Coin also known as the eye fillet, this is one of the most tender and most popular cuts of beef. It’s got very little fat and connective tissue is found within the leg area of a beef. It is commonly used in Asian cuisine, either for making soup or sliced up for Taiwanese Beef Noodles. It is also used in Western cuisine for dishes like Beef Bourguignon (or Beef Burgundy) Iowa Premium Angus Sets a New Standard when it comes to Rich, Bold and Savory Beef - well marbled, flavorful beef stems from the farming heritage and its set of native resources — deep rich topsoil, temperate climate and plentiful rainfall. These are the perfect conditions for farm families, fields of corn and Black Angus cattle to thrive — the trifecta when it comes to flavorful tender, premium beef. Iowa Premium Angus available in USDA Choice grade or for an extraordinary eating experience try their USDA Prime. * Raised by farm families in Iowa and neighboring upper Midwest states * Black and black baldy Angus for superior marbling * Corn-fed for exceptional flavor * Raised and finished in the USA * A maturity; 30 months of less of age for outstanding color and tenderness * Visually appealing beef * No dark cutters * Practically free of capillary rupture * No dairy breed influence for superior muscling * No Brahman breed influence for consistent tenderness * 此產品需按實際重量計算 * This is a pay-by-weight item