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❄️西班牙 海養多寶魚 Spain Sea Farmed Turbot Fish Fillet
$550/kg 每條約400g per fillet 多寶魚肉質實淨雪白,受到全世界許多頂級廚師高度評價。傳統上,多數煎或原條烤焗為最理想,因其美妙的味道和質地而聞名。 多寶魚的流行可以追溯到羅馬時代,當時被稱為 “海中的野雞” 多寶魚是一種近岸生長的鰈魚,主要在歐洲水域,於地中海和北面海域特別盛產。海中養殖技術令供應增加,令更多人能夠享用這種魚而無需負擔野捕產生的高昂費用。海養位置處於西班牙加利西亞的海洋,西班牙是可持續和可追溯魚類養殖的先驅,控制光線、水溫、低密度養殖、將人類接觸減至最低,這些條件使它們能茁壯成長。 這些多寶魚生長在生態環保的海洋農場,有天然的大西洋流水直接泵入。以不含陸地動物血液、骨粉、基因改造成份的飼料為飲食。捕捉的魚在低壓力下被人道終止,狀態如就如它們原本身處潔淨的海水,大大減低壓力及突變對魚的影響。 With its firm and delicious white flesh, the Turbot is highly regarded by many top chefs worldwide. It’s traditionally pan fried or whole roasted for best results. It is coveted for its wonderful flavor and texture when prepared – and is considered an elite seafood item. Its popularity on the plate traces all the way back to Roman times, when it was called “the Pheasant of the Sea” The turbot is an inshore flatfish that is found mostly in European waters, thriving in the Mediterranean and on sandbanks in the North Sea. The aquaculture of this fish now allows many to enjoy its fine qualities without the prohibitive expense and limited supply associated with wild caught turbot. Sea Farmed in Galicia, Spain is at the forefront of producing these fully sustainable and traceable fish. Control of light, water temperature, lower density stocking and minimal invasive human contact allow them to thrive in these conditions. Raised in eco-responsible sea farms supplied with water directly pumped in from the Atlantic, these turbot are all-natural, fed on a diet with no land-based animal blood or bone meal, or genetically modified ingredients. The fish are humanely terminated in low stress in a slush bath in the pristine condition they left the water in, in fresh condition.