💧台灣 有機金滑菇 Taiwan Organic Golden Enoki Mushroom



每包250g per pack 金滑菇的蕈蓋呈淺棕色至深棕色,光滑、結實、細膩。其細莖柔軟,淡金色到象牙色,並以細小的深橙棕色鰓連接到蕈蓋上。 金針菇又嫩又脆,咬起來鬆脆,有溫和的果味和胡椒味。潔淨環控栽培的金滑菇製成美味的黃金茸,打開就能即食、加進料理更是變化萬千 室內栽種的生鮮菇,栽種條件不需噴灑農藥,並不需要特別清洗。菇類吸水後易影響風味,也容易變質腐敗;烹煮時間不宜過久,以保留新鮮香氣與口感。 長久以來,人們就視菇蕈類為強化免疫力的食物,正因為其中富含多醣體,金滑菇的多醣體是金針菇的三倍、甜度更是金針菇的六倍,戴著可愛小頂冠的金滑菇可謂菇中女皇。 醫界營養師不斷提醒民眾要多攝取原形食物,把來源可靠的優質食材吃進去,就是幫身體打好健康底子,在疫情威脅下,吃對食物就是提升免疫力的關鍵金滑菇含有銅、維生素 B6、鉀、鎂、鈣、鐵、膳食纖維和鋅,也具消炎特性,有助增強免疫系統。 The cap of mushroom is light brown to dark brown, smooth and delicate. Its thin stem is soft, tender and has a crispy bite after being cooked, with mild fruity and peppery flavour. Clean and greenhouse cultivated golden mushrooms can almost be eaten immediately with very brief washing. Fresh mushrooms planted indoors do not need to be sprayed with pesticides and do not need special cleaning. Mushrooms are easy to affect the flavor after absorbing water, and it is also easy to deteriorate and corrupt. The cooking time should not be too long to retain the fresh aroma and taste. For a long time, people have regarded mushrooms as foods that strengthen immunity, because they are rich in polysaccharides. Polysaccharide of golden mushrooms is three times of, and sweetness six times of regular enoki mushrooms. Eating reliable high-quality foods in their original form is the basis for helping the body to lay a healthy foundation. Under the threat of epidemic, eating the right foods is the key to improving immunity. Golden mushrooms contain copper, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, dietary fiber and zinc, they also have anti-inflammatory characteristics and help strengthen the immune system.
